Ethical Issues
Iron Ore mines require a lot of space, causing deforestation, more air pollution and destroying of habitats. One main concern is the dust that can be produced from the mining of Iron Ore. This dust enters the atmosphere and can cause heath issues for workers and near by residents. Most of the health issues are related to respiratory conditions.
Cultural Issues
Much of the land of Australia was once Aboriginal land. They hold native title and it has much spiritual significance for the Aborigines. Mining companies don't care about Aboriginals who previously lived on the land. It is very important that there is consultation with the original land owners regarding the use of the land and ensure that no important sacred sites are affected.
Is Iron Ore for the future?
Iron Ore is used for everyday life it is used to make steel and other really important object such as transport. Iron ore is a mineral that doesnt need replacing 100% because 42% of iron ore is recycled this makes it a economic and sustainable mineral.